Saturday, 14 May 2011


13th May 2011
Dear Parents/Guardians

Little Dudes will return on Monday 16th May 6.30pm at Hunloke Primary School in Wingerworth.
I have obtained special dispensation for us to train there but at a price (see below). The first point I want to make is we can train there BUT YOU CANNOT PARK THERE. There is no parking within the school grounds available to us. There may be the opportunity on the lower side of the school around the corner descending down Long Edge Lane towards the Chesterfield Road (A61) or the Church Car Park. The school has a Letting activity on Monday night and the school car park is set aside for that activity alone. So - Please do not attempt to park within the school grounds if you have to come in your car. I do not want any grief from the school. PLUS the U7’s will also be there and they will receive the same message.

There will be 6 Training Nights:

Mon 16th May Mon 6th June Mon 4th July
Mon 23rd May Mon 20th June
Mon 27th June

Break for half-term Bank Holiday 30th May and also Mon 13th June (WJSA Fun-day the preceding day down at The Avenue and I will be organising a Little Dudes Tournament on the Sunday afternoon). More to follow on that.

COST (£)
The cost of Training at Hunloke will be a ne-off fee of £5.00. We hire the school playing field. Can you please bring that with you on Monday.

U7’s FOOTBALL Season 2011-12
For those boys who are now 6 and will be under 7 at the 1st Sep ’11, then they will be eligible to move forward as an U7 age group. U7’s are eligible to play in organised Mini-soccer on Saturday mornings at Cavendish Playing Fields at the top of Matlock OR possibly at Highfield Playing Fields in Chesterfield (to be decided). To be fair we do not have to enter one or more U7 teams at the start of the season (Sat 10 Sep ’11). I would only recommend that if the boys were ready to step up to playing organised football. The season now ended our 2 U7’s teams did not enter the Mini-soccer Centre at Matlock until late November. It gave them a number of weeks to be prepared. It is a big step up from Little Dudes.

For such a team to be formed they need to have a Manager or Coach. He or She needs to be trained and CRB checked. In that regard I would be looking for a volunteer to undertake this role, as I would be unable to commit to that role as my son still plays football and I have other football commitments with the WJSA and the Rowsley League.

From my records which are not totally complete as far as D.O.B’s, the boys that would fall into this category would be:

William Hammond; Jake Paice; Jack Parry; Matt Porteous
Josh Turkington Thomas Sanderson Harvey Shelton

That is a minimum of 7 (need to sort out a goalkeeper). we could supplement with one or two of the technically better equipped 5 year olds (other teams do). There is more to discuss about this and the commitment the volunteer would have to make, but I am willing to discuss that over a pint. If any one of the above parents is interested, please let me know. For the remaining lads, Little Dudes will continue next season and again I would be looking for one or more volunteers to take an active role in that, as part of preparing the U7’ team for the following season thereafter.

The Coach or Manager would be required to enrol on the FA Level 1 Coaching Course (WJSA would pay for that). That is a commitment in itself, which I am happy to discuss.

We have 6 sessions left (£5) at Hunloke School (but no parking within the school) – we have our End of Season Do at The Avenue in the pm of Sunday June 12th. – we need to look ahead for next season but within 2 groups:

Next season @ U7;
Next season still at LD’s;

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Please ensure they are kitted out for the prevailing weather (can I suggest you name their clothing); they should always bring a drink (label their bottle as well).

Regards – ERIC (01246 220721) e-mail:

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